Everly has had her lower central incisors since she was 6 months old. We were beginning to wonder when other teeth would start to show up. She was teething for months, on and off. Finally a few weeks before her 1st birthday we saw signs of the teeth popping through.
She has been wearing a baltic amber teething necklace since she was about 5 months old, and it has made a difference for her. The bright red, and very hot cheeks would disappear. But we were beginning to wonder if the necklace was maybe slowing down the teeth from coming in too? So for a week we went without it. She was a miserable grump! Not fun for any of us. We have had multiple nights of her waking up in the middle of the night grumpy, and obviously in some discomfort.
The necklace has gone back on, but she now has 5… yes 5 teeth coming in all at once. We are definitely not against Tylenol if she needs it. She is enjoying having lots of cold things to eat. She is turning a lot of stuff into items to chew on. Whatever keeps her happy I say. We know that in due time all of this will pass. It can be hard for us to see her in discomfort, but we know soon those teeth will all be through. We will continue to soothe and comfort her as best we can.
We are also making sure to brush her teeth on a regular basis. She has been having her gums brushed since she was little so this really isn’t anything new. She just is not a fan of us doing it. We did figure out a trick where she will let us for now. If we face her to the mirror and give her the tooth brush to play with for a bit, she will then let us brush her teeth.
Anyone else have a little one dealing with teething? Anything working well for them right now?
Do you have any tricks for brushing your kids teeth?
Highlands teething tablets are my favourite!! Naturopathic…you can get them from places like Nature’s Fare and Price Smart. They work really well if you give them about 20 minutes before they go to bed or if they are grumpy from teething, they kick in pretty fast.
I will have to go get some of those to try, poor girl is having a really rough time at night. I like that they are naturopathic. Thank you Louise!
Calvin HATED having his teeth brushed. Then I found a trick somewhere online and it worked like magic!
Once you get the brush in their mouth, fight through their fighting it and brush their teeth while counting to 10 then stop. After doing this for a few days, they realize that once you reach 10, it will stop. An end to this activity they hate! It took less than a week if doing this and Calvin no longer detested it.
I’ve used this trick for other things too, like cleaning his ears.
That is a really good idea to count and let them know that there will be an end to what is happening. Thank you for sharing that idea Larissa.
Aww…. you little bub is totally adorable!!! We use a piece of gauze to “brush” little baby teeth.
Aww… Your little bub is so adorable. We use a piece of gauze to “brush” little baby teeth.
My kids liked it when I’d let them “do it themselves” after I had brushed them. (More for older kids, but it worked great!) Visiitng from Blogelina
My daughter does not like having her teeth brushed either. She likes brushing her teeth — as in she wants to do it herself, but unfortunately she still needs some assistance to do it right so it’s a battle we’re still fighting.
to my kids to brush their teeth I had to sing a terribly silly song I made up on the spot one day. My humiliation seemed to work well to help it be “fun” for them lol
Awe poor baby! My son had the worst time teething. He is now getting his morals and it has been awful for him. Starting her out early with brushing is definitely a good thing though.
We started off with the finger brush, then went on to those pigeon brushes for chewing on. I also use a flouride free toothpaste for the kids when they were under 2 years also..letting them see you brush your teeth helps too.
My son is 9 years old and he still doesn’t like to brush his teeth when I tell him to get it done, so I don’t have any tips! I’ve always wondered about the amber teething necklaces though!
No fun! My little guy is 13 months old and only has three teeth! I am nervous for what the future holds! I swear by the Hylands Teething tablets and essential oils. I use lavender and roman chamomile across his jawline to calm the inflammation and soothe. I tried the amber, but you are reminding me to break them back out! Best of luck!
The pictures are adorable. How nice that the baby’s teeth are regularly brushed. It is good that the mirror trick is working since the baby can have fun while having her teeth cleaned too. I am not familiar with the baltic amber teething necklace. Does the teething necklace is same with the teether, pacifier or something?
Sarah a baltic amber teething necklace is a natural pain reliever basically. It doesn’t work for all little ones, but it definitely has made the fire red hot cheeks be very rare for our little girl. Kids wear it around their neck, or on their ankle. If as a necklace it needs to be very short so that little ones cannot put it in their mouth.