For Thanksgiving Monday, we spent the day as a family of three. We had a very laid back day, mostly because Jason passed on his cold to Everly and I. I am so glad Everly is so easy going about this cold, poor girl, I feel so bad for her. She is still so happy and care free, even with not being able to breathe through her stuffed nose, or its constant dripping. We decided after a morning lounging in our pjs, and all having a morning nap, that we needed to adventure out. We headed through Timmy’s to get some coffee and brunch consisting of chicken noodle soup, and we made our way to the park.
We ended up having a long, almost two hour walk. It amazes me how much Everly just enjoys being outdoors. I’m sure she would be content if we just spent the whole day outside. She is such a people watcher too, She will just happily gaze at the people walking past, and if you are walking with a dog then you will really capture her attention too. While we were sitting enjoying our soup, we decided that this may become our own tradition each Thanksgiving Monday, to go for a nice long family walk some where. Don’t know where we will adventure to next year, but its already marked on the calendar.
Once home, after having a pit stop to grab some more food (need to go grocery shopping), we were hungry after our walk, we all had an afternoon nap. We are all in recovery mode to kick this cold. We also managed to get in a bit of a Skype session with Jason’s parents so that they could see Everly’s Thanksgiving outfit (the Turkey polka dot dress from the day before) and get a bit of a “visit” in. Everly ended up going to bed a bit early again tonight. We are hoping to do the same. Early bed times all around.
Awesome fall family pictures, Tamara!
What a great way to spend your Thanksgiving. Intimate and simple, family is all you need