My family continued their annual tradition of having a Thanksgiving picnic in the park. We gathered at Fleetwood Park, and oddly enough we weren’t the first ones to arrive. My Nana and Aunt got there first! Sadly not everyone could make it, which is kind of the norm unfortunately as my family is spread out some farther East in Canada, and some in the States. There was a bit of a surprise though as my cousin (aka my mom’s niece) and her family stopped by for a little visit. This is the same cousin who we trekked out to see in Alberta during the summer. It’s been awhile since they lived in BC and were attending our Thanksgiving picnic. Since my Mom and I were the only ones who knew they may stop by it was great seeing the reactions of everyone.
There is just something about how food tastes so much better when you are outside. I think we all over ate on our share of turkey and all the fixings. Some wore off the meal by playing bocce, or tossing around a Frisbee. Others just relaxed and caught up with one another about life. Evie was on a mission to play in the playground as much as possible and Jason and I were very thankful for all the extra eyes and help. Many very kindly gave us a break so we could relax. It was lovely.
Sadly we had to pack it up early as the meal and get together was right smack in the middle of Evie’s usual nap time. We had pushed our luck as far as we could since she had gone to church in the morning with Jason, and was running off of no nap. Her water works started at the same time it started to rain to signal the end of our picnic.
I’m not sure how many more outdoor picnics we will be doing for Thanksgiving, but it is a loved tradition. I am very thankful to get to gather with the family we do have, and to be able to contact those far away by the click of a button. We have lots to be thankful for, and did not forget it.
I hope you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend too!
A nature building block set with leaves and flowers for decorations.
Figuring out the big kid jungle gym.
I found Evie a Thanksgiving themed plate from Target for a $1!
I am not a huge pie fan, but I do enjoy a small piece of pumpkin pie this time of year.
Thanksgiving selfie.
Tried to get a similar photo to her first Thanksgiving, she wasn’t having it.
What a great idea!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!