This weekend marked another wonderful Thanksgiving in the books. It was just what we all needed… a long weekend filled with family and great food! We definitely have so much to be thankful for!
I realized that we don’t have a post from last years Thanksgiving weekend. We did get together with family, but the last post I have is from two years ago! Getting together for Thanksgiving dinner is a tradition I love. When I was a kid we would meet up and go for a picnic outside with our extended family. While we may not have had a picnic, it’s still so special to gather together for a holiday like this.
The girls and I had made turkey hats at home early on in the weekend. They continued crafting when we went to my parent’s for dinner. Little did they know that the fun would continue after dinner. A friend of mine made the most amazing cookies and the girls each got one that they could “paint”. It was brilliant and kept them occupied while we enjoyed tea and dessert.
This weekend was filled with moments that I hope to always remember and I hope that the girls will too!
We’re still in this interesting phase of holding our breaths since Jason’s surgery and last set of tests. I personally feel like I am only just beginning to breathe again. It’s odd to think that this time last year we were facing cancer head-on. Now we’re on the other side and it’s incredible to see Jason keeping up with the girls.
Seeing him chase after the girls as they were riding their bikes this weekend filled my heart with so much joy. A joy that was missing for so long. I needed to see that moment, to witness the smiles and hear the giggles from everyone. Goodness, we have so much to be thankful for, and give thanks we do!
What are you thankful for today?
That table setting and dinner look amazing! Am thankful for my health and that of my family this Thanksgiving.