Sometimes those little moments in life just happen out of nowhere and you are reminded to make a note of them. One of those little moments in childhood happened this morning. It brought a moment of laughter we all needed.
I was upstairs getting ready, the plan was to head to Costco right for opening. It seems little miss Addie thought she needed to get ready too. Suddenly I heard my husband calling up the stairs “Honey, need some help here.” and then I see him carrying our daughter upstairs.
It was one of those moments where all you can do is laugh. She had perfectly drawn on her cheeks with a pink marker. Apparently, Jason had called her into the kitchen to start having breakfast and she ran away, within that instant she has added “blush” to her cheeks. It’s amazing what little ones notice and she has definitely been watching when I do my makeup.
The trick with foaming shaving cream totally works to help get marker off of skin! We quickly got a little bit on her cheeks, let it sit for a minute or two and then wiped it off with a warm face cloth. The majority of the pink marker came right off. If we did it one more time it would have been all gone most likely.
OMG. The absolute cutest! <3 <3 You'll remember moments like this forever!
Oh my, what a cutie and definitely a laugh worthy moment. My son recently decided to write his name on all the things with a permanent marker. Mr Clean Magic Eraser became our friend!! I am happy to know about the shaving cream tip!!
Oh man, I remember one time my husband was out of town and I had a new baby and my daughter got into my mascara and came out of my room and was so proud of herself. What could I do but laugh?
I never knew about the shaving cream trick before this – thank you for sharing that! My kids are obsessed with markers and lately have been looking like an art canvas. LOL
That is a great trick! A new one for me.
Sadly our last big “childhood moment” was a hair cutting incident… shaving cream couldn’t fix that lol
Oh my goodness this is too cute! I will have to remember the shaving cream idea incase our daughter decided to do something like this.
Oh my gosh! This is so cute. I’ll definitely need to keep the shaving cream trick up my sleeve. Lol!
She’s so sweet! I had never heard that shaving cream trick. Good to know!
Omg she is soooo adorable!