Have you ever done something totally ridiculous, but that was so needed? We sure have. There are a few different things that come to mind, but the biggest one that stands out was our trip to New York City. When we look back on it we are so thankful that we did it. It was so needed.
Our trip to NYC was booked without a second thought. It happened after Jason had his second big surgery during his cancer journey. We were both struggling emotionally with everything going on. Travelling to New York has been on our bucket list for years. While visiting him in the hospital and talking about it once more, I started scrolling for different deals and found one that included flight, accommodations and transportation to and from the airport. It was the best deal we’d ever seen and without thinking, I booked it for us right then and there.
Booking that trip gave Jason something to look forward to while recovering. Little did we know it would soon mean even more to us after he had a terrifying moment, in the Fall before the trip, where we found out just how close we were to losing him.
We are not regretting our decision to book that trip and go. It was so very much needed. In a way, it was our celebration of Jason being given the all-clear from cancer. It was definitely booked recklessly. Financially it was not the smartest thing for us to do. It was not in the budget if we’re honest. Jason hadn’t been working, I was off work for a good chunk of time as well. We were playing catchup on things. Would we book it again if we had that time to do it over? Definitely!
It was still incredibly mindless of us to have done.
We made memories together. It was the first time away for more than just one night, since our honeymoon. Almost 8 years! We crossed many bucket list places off our NYC list. It was the first time in a long time that I saw Jason smiling so much. Showing our kids all the photos they talk about New York like they went there too. If they see anything New York related in the news, or on a show they are watching, they ask us if we went there. The girls are also asking if someday we can all go there as a family. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Next time though, it’s going to be a planned for and budgeted trip.
Travel has this way of challenging you, helping you learn, building your appreciation for things, strengthing relationships, getting you to relax, pushing you outside your comfort zone and so much more. We needed that trip for so many reasons. Going to New York at that time is still one of the most ridiculous things we’ve done. Always will be. We’re so thankful we went.
I have never jetted off to New York – but I have drove around aimlessly listening to my favorite music with a Starbucks in hand. And I for one did not regret one moment of that “me time” away from any humans. LOL
All jokes aside I would one day LOVE to head to New York on a little romantic getaway!