It has been a little while since I have done a weekend in pictures post. My Christmas vacation is coming to an end, and I have enjoyed every day spent with my little family. Now its back to the new “normal” routine. Hoping and praying that things go smoothly as we transition back.
We had some visitors on Friday. Thanks to them, we managed to get some cleaning done around the house, and we got one room totally re-arranged. It was a bit of a winter cleaning. My sister also came over to babysit which was more so house sitting because Goober was already in bed. We got to go on a movie date to see the 2nd Hunger Games movie, and then I got to go watch my husband play hockey for the first time in 8+ months.

Used the Muddy Buddy again, first time since Thanksgiving.
Evie had some great naps this weekend, one was a record 3 hours long! I found myself waiting, and waiting for her to wake up so that we could go outside and play. We put her Muddy Buddy to use again because it has rained here recently. She loved getting to wander around the yard and just explore. Need to do much more of this! Anyone want to adventure to a park this weekend?
I have been trying to put together some ideas for things Jason can do with Evie while I am at work during the day. One of the great suggestions I was reminded of was doing a sensory bin. I wanted to try it out right away. So we got a bin, and set everything up in the morning. She went right for it and had a great time playing in the rice. We made sure to put a blanket underneath, because we knew it would get messy. Evie was actually very good about it, she did dump a few little spoonfulls onto the blanket, but she then picked up each grain of rice one by one and put them back in the bin. Definitely doing this more often! Thank you Jen! (Check out her blog at so many wonderful ideas!)