Bringing back my weekend in pictures posts.
We started off our weekend with Sushi dinner. Evie loves avocado rolls. Its great because we can normally order a variety pack and there is something for all of us. Evie even wanted to try and use her training chop sticks. We are going to have to get Daddy or some of our friends to teach her because I am useless with chopsticks.
Bath time is always fun around here. It has become another play time for her. This weekend I pulled out the old Tupperware Noah’s Ark my sister’s and I played with as kids. It was a big hit.
I made some cute mustache cupcakes for my friend’s little guys birthday, he celebrated turning 3 in dapper style. Mustaches and bow ties were a must. I had my fingers crossed all night that the chocolate mustaches would turn out and not break when I removed them from the wax paper.
All dressed up in her suspender outfit for the birthday party. While she did not wear a bowtie, she did wear a bow head band. At one point she kept playing with the suspenders on her pants.
It was time to Spring ahead this weekend. We managed to forget to set our alarm for church, and slept in. We still managed to scramble out the door, and get to church on time. Thankfully nap time and bed time both went well for keeping her on schedule.
My friend Meghan came over to snap some head shots for her photography assignment. Check out her work at She has also taken photos of us all back when Evie was 5 months old. She got many photos that I adore. Especially some cute ones from the first time we put Evie on grass without a blanket under her. Keep an eye out for this girl she is talented!
salmadinani says
She’s so adorable! And love that’s she’s already attempting chopsticks 🙂
TamaraG says
Thanks, we love her but may be biased. 😉 is so funny when she tries.