Hope everyone had a great first full weekend of fall. Yes I know, the first day of fall was last weekend, but this was the first actual weekend. One of my favourite seasons is finally here, I am a huge fan of fall and winter and all that comes with those seasons. Since we were hit with a crazy storm that brought an insane amount of rain, and crazy wind, we sadly skipped the pumpkin patch. But we will be going soon! As soon as we have a break in the weather. This weekend Everly has been trying to stand more and more all on her own, we actually managed to catch it in a photo when we put on her rain coat before heading out.
Sadly we started the weekend with a trip to the walk in clinic. Poor goober has a brutal case of bad diaper rash. She was blessed with my extremely sensitive skin, add in teething and its made for some hard times this weekend. We all did not get much sleep one night as she woke up screaming in pain at 3am, thus the trip to the clinic to get a prescription for medicated cream for her. Praying it helps clear things up fast.
I actually had some time to be crafty, thanks to Jason being off this weekend, and giving me the opportunity to be creative. I have really missed being able to have the time to paint or create. It may have just been a little thing with painting pumpkins to put on our porch, but I loved doing it (anyone else want one?).
Diaper rash battles mean lots of “eek a bare” time, and baking soda baths in the evening. I felt so bad for Everly, and she has been such a trooper. While I was running some errands I lucked out on finding the cutest little bath toys for her at a great price. I love good deals, or having coupons to use when shopping. The look on her face when we gave her the new bath toys just said it all, it was a moment of happy for her that she needed.
We checked out the marriage series going on over at Village church. We have been watching the previous parts on the churches website. Seriously, if you are in the area and can get out there, do it! So good! We are hopping to attend the rest of the series on marriage there. Probably will go to the earlier or later service, as the one in the middle was extremely busy.
I was actually a little nervous about going to a different church, but I have several friends who attend there and work there who have been asking us to come out, and told me what to expect. We were able to have Everly go to the “Movers” room and hang out with other youngsters her age under supervision of some wonderful volunteers from the church. This gave us the chance to go and enjoyed the service. You basically sign you kid in and they are assigned a number on a sticker that you put on them, and you get a copy too. It has a number on it and with that number you can be summoned back by it popping up on the screen in the main auditorium. You pick your kid up after the service by showing them the sticker you had to keep. I’d seen this before at my sister’s church in the States the weekend before, its great if you go to a big church. Everly was so happy when we went to pick her up. She loves meeting new people, and playing with other kids. It was so nice to get to sit and enjoy church and get to focus on what was being said, and know that Everly was in good hands.
It is so hard to visit new churches when you have kids! I am thankful to be in a church I love and dont feel the need to seek out a new one. But I have been invited a few times to other churches but just cant bare not knowing what environment the kids will be in. so glad it all worked out so well!
Beautiful pictures!!!