Not many photos from this weekend, and they are all from my phone (my apologies for the bad quality), so there will be a whole lot more text in this one.
Friday I ended up having a terrible sleep because my husband plays hockey on those nights and I just cannot truly fall asleep until he is home. Often he will talk to me in my groggy state, and apparently I respond but I don’t have a full recollection of the conversation. I do always remember that he is home safe and sound.
Saturday was a very busy, but really fun day. I had been invited to go check out a children’s stuff swap out in the Vancouver area. So I also had to be up bright and early to get out that way. It was $2 to get in, and there was lots to see and go through. I was trying to find some quiet books for church, and I was hoping to find a fall dress (the dress in the picture is actually one I picked up from another friend that I am hoping will fit for winter) and a winter coat. Didn’t find the last two items so I am still hunting for those. I did find two quiet books! I am beyond excited for them, as it will help keep Everly entertained during church. I also found a few clothing items, and some little toys, and a few books. I’m probably going to wrap up the toys and books for her stocking or as gifts for Christmas. Such a good age to buy things second hand! She won’t know the difference.
That afternoon I had a specialist appointment with the doctor who did my nose surgery back in March. Everly got in a very good head-butt to my face a few months back and I’ve been having some complications. Apparently everything is okay, but I need to be very careful. Does anyone have a full cage hockey mask I can borrow? In the evening I was hosting a PartyLite event at my home. Before everyone arrived, we actually managed to get framed photos up on the wall. We’ve lived in this home for over a year and a half and we finally have some photos up! My living room got very full of friends and family. I always feel awkward hosting, as I always feel I miss getting to say hi to someone because I’m running around like crazy. It seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves. I know I am really looking forward to having some nice candles in my home.
Sunday, we went to church in the morning. We actually left for church really early so that we could lower the crib in the nursery. We managed to get Everly down for a nap, and she stayed asleep for an hour and a half, so we actually got to enjoy what was shared on Sunday. Everly really enjoyed the music during the second half of meeting, she was bouncing along to it, and even crawled up and started tapping along on a little drum. The rest of the day was pretty laid back because Jason had to work at 2pm. Everly’s nap that afternoon was the oddest she has had in a long time. She just played in her crib and was babbling for over an hour before she fell asleep. Silly girl. Despite her nap being really late she was still asleep for bedtime by 7pm.
Love the mauve sweater; and the ball with shapes, every baby in the family has had or played with one of these I am sure.