This weekend we definitely kicked the Christmas season into high gear. We checked out the Vancouver Christmas Market on opening day, as well as headed to Burnaby Village Museum to ride the carousel and see their Heritage Christmas – we have been going every year for awhile, you can read about our visit last year over here. We definitely find ourselves getting into the holiday spirit more, and we will be kicking it all off this coming weekend with a Christmas dinner hosted by our church. What better way to start off Christmas!
I attempted to make rice flour macaroons, they are traditionally made with almond. It wasn’t a total fail, but I do have a lot of practice ahead of me and I already know a few things I need to tweak for next time.
Hot apple cider is the perfect drink to help warm you up with all this cold weather.
Black Forest Delicatessen is our favourite food spot at the Christmas market. Highly recommend the currywurst sausage (on the right) incredible flavour… let’s be honest you can’t go wrong with any of the options from this company.
This Star Light Star Bright bath melt from Lush is my new favourite. The scent is incredible.
Evie loved riding the horses on the carousel. The one at Burnaby Village lets kids ride so long as an adult is holding them secure.
Wandering the historic streets.
Sometimes you just have to do, what you gotta do. At church Evie sits in a high chair so that she has a table for snacks, and toys. This Sunday we resorted to keeping her entertained with a short video for the last few minutes. It worked, judge not!
We wrapped up our weekend by going for a walk in the evening. It works out well with the days getting dark so early, we were able to enjoy some of the Christmas lights on homes around the neighbourhood.
Follow along over at Facebook, and Instagram to see what we get up, and stay more up to date with Discovering Parenthood. We’d love to have you over there too.
Your daughter is adorable! I think I need one of those currywurst sausages stat! Do they deliver?
I wish they delivered. They are so good. Thank you for the sweet comment on Evie… we love her to pieces!