When ever I drive in certain areas in my area, or go on road trips throughplaces that look like the above photo, I find myself day dreaming.
Growing up I loved to have books rwaf to me, and then to read books on my own. Some of my favorites are still the books in The Little House on the Prairie series.
These books would cause my imagination to run wild. About what it would be like to have big family Christmas parties back in that time, and what it would be like to move and have to build a home on the land.
My husband and I were talking about it the other day. Skills that were needed back then are pretty much lossy today. You had to learn so much, and take on the skills to do so many things. I don’t think we dare try to make our own log house with only the tools and supplies back in that time.
Still, driving on roads surrounded by trees makes me wonder just what life would have been like if I had grown up then. What would I know how to do? Where we would live?
Anyone else wonder about this too? It wasn’t to long ago that this would have been hand written or done on a typewriter.
whenwewereyoung... says
My husband and I talk about this pretty often, actually! Just reflecting on how we would have to do things if we were living say a hundred years ago and how it’s pretty awesome that we have the luxury of doing so many different things in just one day! And then on the flip side, we also talk about how it was more simple back then and life probably was quite rewarding in a lot of ways because of that.