Many warned us that the days, months, and years go much faster after you have a kid. I can definitely say that I agree. I feel like we just came home from the hospital with Evie… all 7lbs 7oz, and 20 inches of you.
Today you are two sweet Evie. That means we have had you in our lives for 24 months, or 730 days, or 17531 hours. You are officially two tonight at 9:36pm. What an adventure these two years have been. You have changed us for the better. You bring so much laughter and love to our family. You are spunky, adventurous, stubborn, determined, creative, giving, and so much more. We love every moment with you, and cannot imagine our lives without you in it. We love you so much little girl. We are looking forward to seeing you grow this year, as you continue to grow up… but not too fast please!
Age: 2 years old
Stats: 25lbs. & 33inches
Clothing: You wear lots of 18-24 month items still because 2T is a bit too big. You are just getting into a size 6T shoe. You prefer to wear your rain boots because you can put them on yourself, but you do love your moccasins, and your “fancy shoes” you wear for church. You love to pick out your own clothes for the day, and will cry if we pull out something you don’t like. Heaven help us if we try to get you out of your pajamas before noon. Your independence definitely comes out here.
Favourite Foods: Anything you can feed yourself. “Fuffins” (muffins) are very popular for breakfast, especially “baby fuffins”. You love any kind and will happily sit and eat. We are very thankful that you will happily eat fruits and veggies. Grapes, apples, and raisins are a must in our home. If you have cooked carrots or broccoli on your plate, watch out she will eat them all for you. What kid doesn’t love food you can dip at this age? If it comes with dip, or can be dipped, it’s an instant favourite. The big favourite though has to be popcorn.
Words: You are constantly surprising us with the full sentences, and many sentences in a row. You will ask about, and for your friends by name. You can name all of your favourite foods, items, etc… Your vocabulary is huge, too big to list. You have also started to sing along to different songs, sure you might not get all of the words, but don’t worry Daddy misses lines too.
Activities: You absolutely love having books read to you, and will keep pulling more off the shelf so long as someone will keep reading to you. Being outside is wonderful with you, because nothing gets past you. You see all the details in the world around you, and you want to stop and look at everything. It’s sometimes a battle to bring you inside. You love to help mommy and daddy in the kitchen, whether it’s baking or putting dishes away. You seem to have mom’s creative side because you will happily sit and colour.
Favourite Things: Your Red Panda, and Minnie Mouse stuffies come with you all over the house, even though panda is suppose to stay in your room. You surprise us with how well you treat your baby doll by feeding it bottles, and rocking it to sleep. You definitely have a great imagination as you can play at your little kitchen, or with your Fisher Price sets for an hour on end.
This is such a fun age. You are constantly figuring things out, and it’s crazy seeing how quickly you learn new things new. Hearing you communicate with us, and your little conversations melt our hearts. Sure we have good, and bad days as a family, but you always put a smile on our face when you are quick to give hugs and kisses. We have realized we need to take a lesson from you and always share joy with others. You are so fast to say Hi to those around you, and always smiling. You have reminded us we need to do the same. We love you to pieces sweet little Evie, and we cannot wait to see how you change over this coming year. You are truly wonderful!
Happy Birthday to one of the most beautiful, daring, and sweetest little people we know. We love you dearly miss Everly; here’s to many more adventure with Sofia and you as you grow old together
Auntie Tee
Happy Birthday Evie!
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful Everly Janelle! I am so excited you are two! we love you heaps!!! You make us smile every time we see you. You are wonderful. Love Auntie Natalie XOX
Aww I love that she says muffins as ‘fuffins’.
Happy birthday to your little girl!