**UPDATE** Please go to VancouverMom.ca and vote for Discovering Parenthood. You can vote once a week for the voting period. I would love, and really appreciate your vote. Thank you.**
The other day I shared on my blogs Facebook page and on Instagram about some very fun and exciting news. I think it is about time I share it here too! I am a nominee in the VancouverMom.ca 2014 Top 30 Vancouver Mom Blogger Contest. To say I am excited is an understatement. I am over the moon as I now join a group of many wonderful bloggers before me. Many who have welcomed me with open arms, and who have offered me lots of tips and advice. They are an incredible group of women, and I love many of their blogs. So to be considered this year is wonderful, but also very intimidating.
My blog is still very new compared to some of the ones I am nominated with, and you know what? That is okay with me. I am just thrilled to be considered. I started blogging after it was recommended to me as an outlet for the emotional roller coaster that comes with being a parent. I love sharing about what is going on in our lives as a family… the good and the bad, the artwork and adventures. I am so thankful for the wonderful opportunities I have already been given as a new blogger, such as being able to do some giveaways for all of you that read my blog.
Since getting the email that I am in the Top 30, I have gone back and forth with my thoughts and emotions about it. A lot of thoughts of “Is my blog really good enough to be in this?” or “Maybe I should totally change the look of my blog?” One thing I can say for sure is that it has been an encouragement that was needed. I will be honest, I am hoping to change the look of my blog around a bit in the future, but I am still looking into all of that as its a whole other world of blogging that is new to me. Anyone know anything about switching from wordpress.com to wordpress.org? Help please!
Coming up very soon will be a voting period between all 30 of us who are nominated and I truly hope you will share some blog love my way by voting for me. Next month we will find out who the Top Blogger is. Good luck to everyone who is nominated, I am already looking forward to meeting all of you fellow bloggers.
Thank you to everyone who has been following along at Discovering Parenthood. I truly appreciated your support, and enthusiasm, and I always love your input and comments whether its on here of the Facebook page. I look forward to continuing to share with all of you.
Have you followed along on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram yet?
I’d love to have you follow along there too!
Thank you Rebekah! I am sooo nervous as there are so many big blogs up for nomination this year. I am very thankful to even be nominated.