Many families have special traditions around this time of year. Whether it’s hanging stockings, opening a gift on Christmas Eve that contains new Christmas themes pajamas, or having a massive turkey dinner together as a family. It’s the little details that make Christmas so wonderful. For our family, we like to make sure there is a good separation between Christmas, and our daughter’s birthday since it follows right after. We want both Christmas time, and her birthday to be special. The best part, is that it is never too early to create magical memories with your little ones… you can start an Christmas season.d Disney Baby has put together some ideas for family traditions you can start today!
Create an advent calendar
Find a fun way to prepare for the big day! Whether it’s creating a homemade advent calendar filled with great goodies, or reading holiday books like Christmas Around the World in the evenings before the main event, you and your little one can share in the gleeful anticipation of the holiday magic to come.
Trim the tree
I grew up decorating my parent’s, and my Grandparent’s tree together as a family. It was one of my favourite Christmas time get togethers besides dinner together on Christmas Day. Dedicate some family time to decorating your tree together. Giving your little ones their own ornaments that they are allowed to put on the tree, allows them to have special roles to play every year. If your family has special ornaments that go on the tree each year this is the perfect opportunity to talk about them and why they are special. As an adult, I love knowing where some of the ornaments have come from on my family’s tree.
Share holiday tunes
Embrace the holiday season with some merry music! Now my husband is normally a bit of a grinch and does not want to hear Christmas music until it’s practically Christmas Day. This year though it started to play early, and our toddler loves ever minute she gets to dance around and try to sing along to it. Teach your little one your favourite festive songs and practice together as a family. Sing them at the top of your lungs in the car, or while dancing around in the house. If you’re feeling really ambitious, why not put together a little concert? You and your baby can perform seasonal classics together for a group of family and friends. There may or may not be a photo of my sister’s and I doing this when we were kids.
Bake some sweet treats
What better time of year to introduce your wee one to the magic of the kitchen? Why not work together to bake sugar cookies or gingerbread men, and then let your little one loose with sprinkles, icing and other sweet toppings. Use cookie cutters to construct fun and festive shapes – you can even create your favourite Disney characters! If making a mess if of concern, put down a table cloth beneath your kid, and put on a little apron or smock on them. Both help for easier clean up.
Pose for a picture
Taking a family photo to share on our Christmas card each year is a huge part of our traditions. You could also keep a special holiday album that will grow as your children do. To keep things interesting, try choosing a fun theme: you can all wear holiday PJs or goofy reindeer ears – coming up with a new one every year is a great way to share some cheer together. If it’s your baby’s first holiday, why not preserve the memory of your little elf in a customizable photo frame?
What are some of your families holiday tradtions?
Would you like to win a pair of cute, cozy Winnie the Pooh Gortex socks, Winnie the Pooh hand print set, Mike SoftPal night light, and a Mickey Mouse sippy cup? This is a great little gift bundle for a lucky little guy or girl. Enter through the Rafflecopter link below. Good luck, and Merry Christmas everyone!
My favourite Christmas tradition is one we’ve been doing for over 25 years now. We always go out on Christmas Eve for a Japanese dinner, then drive around Victoria looking at the beautiful lights and then head home along the ocean front! It makes for a lovely evening!
My favourite Christmas tradition is the kids get a special Christmas decoration for the tree. It’s fun picking out one for each child.
My favorite Christmas family tradition is going to my grand parents house on Christmas eve
Getting together on Chirstmas Eve at one of the family’s homes for a feast and gift exchange.
We have a nice family dinner on Christmas Eve.
My favorite tradition is our family meal at the hall.
My favorite Christmas family tradition is decorating the christmas tree
We always have a board game night on Christmas Eve!
Opening one present on Christmas Eve, while enjoying hot chocolate and singing Christmas carols.
Would love to go to florida Disney land with my husband and kid’s
visiting santa at the mall! =)
Just discovered your blog as I was curious what other Vancouver mom bloggers are out there
I just became a mom 8 days ago & started up a blog also, too document what its like as a new mom. Ill definitely come back to follow your site 
Our Christmas traditions as a new family are to buy a new snowglobe or nutcracker each year, watch Home Alone & Christmas Vacation a million times – and decorate for as long as possible. And feast in a Danish/Canadian dinner. Happy Holidays!
My favorite Christmas tradition is family dinner and opening presents Christmas morning
My favorite thing is sitting by the outside fire drinking our hot chocolate.
My favourite Christmas tradition is when everyone gathers together at my MILs house Christmas day. Lots of yummy food. Lots of friends and family!
On Christmas eve, we attend Church Service then watch a holiday movie before setting out cookies and milk for Santa. Then, my hubby reads Twas the Night Before Christmas and it’s bedtime.
Our tradition is on christmas eve. We make a big batch of popcorn, put on our pjs then curl up on the couch and watch a christmas movie
on Christmas day we invite the whole family over for a nice dinner