Are you going to be checking out the Vancouver International Children’s Festival?
I sure am! It runs from May 27th to June 1st. I am already looking forward to this weekend when we get to go check it out with our daughter. I am seeing so many great photos from all of the shows and activities happening there all over social media, you do not want to miss out on this event. You can find more information on the Vancouver International Children’s Festival and purchase tickets here:
The Vancouver International Children’s Festival has been entertaining audiences of all ages, but more so the kids, since 1978. The festival moved from Vanier Park to Granville Island a few years ago. The venue change allows for more entertainment options since there is more technical support here than could be provided in the tents of years past (see the photo below of tent city). Plus Granville Island is just a great area to check out with the family and wander around.
This year the activities you will find around the festival grounds include face painting, a musical maze and playground, circus skills and so much more all of these activities and many more are included for free if you purchase a show ticket. Otherwise there are activity wristbands for sale on site.
What performances? Well that is the one thing I truly remember from growing up when I was a kid. Going and seeing different performers and getting to sing and dance along to their music. You will find children’s singers such as Fred Penner and Rick Scott are performing, or you could check out something like A Circus in Wonderland which is a theatrical circus take on the novel “Through the Looking Glass”. If you have a little one who loves Alice this would be a must see for them. I highly recommend taking in at least one of the performances if you are heading out to the festival. Even to this day I still can sing the tunes of Fred Penner and Charlotte Diamond thanks to being surrounded by their fun music when I was a kid.
There is just so much to see and do at the Vancouver International Children’s Festival. If you are looking for something to do this week, or even this weekend with your family. Check this out you are sure to be in for a great, fun, art, and music filled time!

Tent city. I still remember walking through all of this with my family when I was little, and trying to take it all in.
Vancouver International Children’s Festival