Today I am spending a lot of the day with friends and family. It is a very busy day with berry picking, lunch get together, and a mommy daughter date with my mommy! It is time for an update about what I have been up to. Since sharing with all of you about what is going on in my life personally, so many of you have been so kind and shared your own stories, have told me you are thinking of me and my family and praying that all is going well. With having seen the specialist and surgeon this week I wanted to give you all an update.
I actually royally messed up and missed my original appointment. I managed to write down the appointment on the wrong day. I got a phone call from the receptionist who was very kind and asked me when I could come in next after finding out what had happened. Seems the teacher’s strike has been a mixed blessing as I was able to say I could come in whenever just give me a phone call. The very next day I was on the picket line when I got a call from the receptionist asking if I could get there in 40 minutes. My coworkers were great, even offering to drive me and come with me so that I was not alone for this appointment. Some how between getting my directions messed up, getting a little lost, calling Jason frazzled and getting new direction I still got to the appointment on time.
I will be going in for day surgery next month on July 24th. I would really appreciate all of your prayers. I am kind of freaking out already as I am just not a fan of being put under. Please pray for peace and calm for me during this waiting period and during the surgery. Wisdom for the surgeons. That all will go well during the surgery and after during recovery.They are going to still be testing the fibroadenoma to confirm that it is not cancerous. If they do discover that it is, I will have to go back and more tissue will be removed. So we are also praying that it is not cancerous!
A friend of mine asked me how I felt about all of this and she got how I felt exactly… get it done and over with, once and for all. I just want it gone. I feel this is the right step in being proactive towards all of this.
Please continue to keep all this in your thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate it.
I hope your surgery goes well Tamara! I can’t imagine how worried you must be about the results. Praying for peace and a relaxing weekend for you!
I’m so sorry to hear about this. I hope that the surgery goes well!!!!!
Tamara – I will most definitely be thinking of you! I hope that everything goes well… I’m sorry that this is happening, but I have faith that things will work out. Your amazing attitude will carry you through this….